Wohler Technologies

Best in class in-rack
audio and video broadcast monitors


1280 San Luis Obispo Avenue, Hayward, CA 94544


CONFERENCING is part of Wohler’s MAVRIC software suite and has been created for seamless integrated communications across remote locations, between on-site and off-site personnel and operators at remote infrastructure locations like OB Vans. This application enables instant private and confidential communications within predefined groups of operators, leading to rapid resolution and pinpointing the cause of problems during live events which require quick response times and tight coordination.


  • Access from a standard Internet browser or via an Android/iOS app.
  • Support person-to-person audio calling as well as instant group calls, on a dedicated confidential, private, and secure channel.
  • Instantly make calls to predefined groups.
  • Create overlapping groups of operators using a comprehensive user management system, to facilitate scalable management of operators across multiple locations.
  • Scale up as needed from initial license for 30 simultaneous conversations.

Ordering Options

Product Part ID Description
Conferencing (SaaS) 8500-2210 Conferencing Cloud (30) - 30 Users License - Charged as annual subscription fee. Accessed by standard Internet browser or via the WOHLER Android/iOS app. Secure encrypted communications across all interfaces and signal sources. (AVAILABLE Q3 2025).
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