Wohler Technologies

Best in class in-rack
audio and video broadcast monitors


1280 San Luis Obispo Avenue, Hayward, CA 94544

Remote Monitoring

Our REMOTE MONITORING application – part of the MAVRIC suite of software-based solutions – allows you to HEAR audio, WATCH video, and VIEW meters, loudness, and other data from one or more signal probes in any global location. All information is directly accessible on your desktop browser, laptop, or via our MAVRIC app (available for both Apple & Android devices) on your tablet or smartphone.


  • Remotely listen to individual audio channels (8/16), or a stereo downmix of selected audio clusters.
  • Remotely view audio meters and loudness levels for selected audio clusters and video signals.
  • Remotely view signal metadata for all monitored signals.
  • Support on-site and off-site personnel located across remote infrastructure like OB vans and remote data centers/TCR’s.
  • Enable rapid pinpointing and resolution of problems during live events.
  • Seamlessly integrate monitoring systems across worldwide locations.
  • Monitor signals remotely using a standard Internet browser or via an Android/iOS App.
  • Construct your own multiviewer from probes deployed anywhere in the world.
  • Create probe configuration presets to select video source along with any selection of 8/16 audio channels for remote monitoring.
  • Use with built-in software audio probes available on all current Wohler iSeries and eSeries in-rack monitors.
  • Use with Signal probes available as hardware option card installed in your in-rack Wohler monitors, or with available Wohler openGear monitoring cards for remote monitoring.


  • Probes as well as number of concurrent views can be scaled independently.
  • For on-premise installations please contact Wohler for server h/w specifications required.
  • Regular bug-fixes, security patches and feature enhancements are covered by Annual Subscription.
  • Installation: Deployed in the Cloud or as a hybrid installation (on-premise streaming), with secure encrypted communications across all interfaces and signal sources.
Product Part ID Description
Single Proble License (SaaS) 8500-2100 Enables Remote Monitoring and Alerting for a single probe/monitor. Probes can be licensed as per requirements in the Cloud, with secure encrypted communications across all interfaces and signal sources. Charged as annual subscription fee - Not available on the iAM-12G-SDI.
RM Viewers (Saas) 8500-2115 Add additional concurrent viewers as required - Charged as annual subscription fee.
Conferencing (SaaS) 8500-2210 30 Users License - Charged as annual subscription fee. Accessed by standard Internet browser or via the WOHLER Android/iOS app. Secure encrypted communications across all interfaces and signal sources. (AVAILABLE Q4 2024).
Data Charge (SaaS) 8500-2305 Per TB charge for data usage in a fully HOSTED solution - (usage fee, applies only when 1st 1TB pack is used) - NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DISCOUNT.
Dedicated Hybrid (ONP) On Premise.
VM10 (ONP) - Streaming 8500-2420 VM supporting up to (10) Remote Monitors, nothing enabled but streaming. No HW Included. Associated Subscription required.
VM30 (ONP) Viewers 8500-2500 VM supporting up to (30) Viewers - nothing enabled - associated subscription required.
VM (ONP) Appliance - Streaming 8500-2510 VM10 Pre-Installed on Appliance designed to support up to (10) Remote Monitors. Associated Subscription required.
VM (ONP) Appliance - Viewers 8500-2520 VM30 Pre-Installed on Appliance designed to support up to (30) Viewers. Associated Subscription required.
VM Onsite Installation Charge 8500-2540 One-time charge covering the SW (VM) installation on customer-owned Hardware or Cloud. Additional charges for hotel and airfare will apply for installations outside of USA/Canada.
Compatible Hardware enabling 16 channels of audio and video streaming
RMOG-12G-SDI 8140-0200 openGear monitor card with remote GUI for use and access, but also compatible with MAVRIC, accepts 2 x 12G-SDI inputs on BNC with 1 selected output. Options available for SDI on Fiber, 2110 and 2022, and for hitless AES67, Dante or Ravenna AoIP.
OPT-RMOG DANTE 829192 Enables monitoring of up to 64ch Dante™ Inputs to RMOG-12G-SDI. Hardware card with software activation key. Adds primary & secondary RJ-45 ports for hitless/2022-7 support (for Dante and 2110-30 signals).
OPT-RMOG RAVENNA 829193 Enables monitoring of up to a 64ch of Ravenna/™ AES67 Inputs to RMOG-12G-SDI. Hardware card with software activation key. Adds primary & secondary RJ-45 ports for hitless/2022-7 support (for Dante and 2110-30 signals).
OPT-RMOC-12G 829189 (1U)
829190 (2U)
Signal probe option card for all current 1U & 2U iSeries in-rack monitors, installed in the option card slot. Includes single BNC and SFP slot for 12G/3G SDI or ST2110 input. Capable of monitoring 16 channels of audio plus a single video input. Both audio & video are selectable from a choice of sources connected directly to the card, or inputs connected to the in-rack monitor.

MAV-REMON remote monitoring runs in a standard Internet browser or is accessible via an Android/iOS app needing no dedicated application to be installed, easing accessibility for operator. In addition to being able to visualize audio meters, loudness levels for selected audio clusters and video signals, the operator can also listen to individual audio channels, or a stereo downmix of selected audio clusters.

MAV-REMON is a remote monitoring application that enables you to build comprehensive integrated monitoring solutions for your unique needs, combining in-rack equipment with OpenGear monitoring cards from Wohler as well as software probes running on servers or in the Cloud.

MAV-REMON has been created for seamlessly integration of monitoring systems across remote locations, on-site and off-site personnel and remote infrastructure like OB Vans. This capability enables rapid resolution and root causing of problems during live events which need quick response times.

MAVRIC MAV-REMON accepts inputs from a host of probe types:

Virtual Audio Remote Monitoring probes that run in the background on all our iSeries as well as eSeries monitors. These Virtual Audio Remote probes function like a separate 16 channel audio monitor running on the same in-rack hardware monitor without interfering with any signals being monitored on the front panel of the in-rack unit.

Remote Monitoring Option Card (iSeries-RMO) available as an option card for installation into our iSeries and eSeries in-rack monitors. This option is a “monitor-on-a-card” with remote user interface. It monitors 16 Channels of Audio along with a single Video input. Both audio and video are selectable from a multitude of sources connected directly to the card, or any inputs on the in-rack monitor.

OpenGear Monitoring Card (RMOG) is an OpenGear monitoring card that is capable of monitoring both baseband and IP signals. 12G capable, the card can accept 2x12G-SDI or ST2110 SFP’s as inputs and provides a single 12G SDI selected output. It can also monitor hitless AES67, Dante or Ravenna AoIP signals.

Software Probes running on servers or in the Cloud, capable of monitoring ST2110 as well as AES67, Dante and Ravenna signals received over IP networks.


  • A single instance of MAV-REMON can accept inputs from 50 probes.
  • A single instance of MAV-REMON can stream data from any of the 50 input probes, to 50 simultaneous users for viewing on a browser or mobile app.
  • MAV-REMON is installed on customer infrastructure, either on on-premise servers or customer provided VM’s in the Cloud. A hybrid installation, which includes additional MAVRIC applications is also supported. In the hybrid case, some applications can run on-premise and some of them in the Cloud.
  • Please contact Wohler for precise server (Virtual Machine) specifications required to run the application.
  • Regular bug-fixes, security patches and feature enhancements are covered by an Annual Maintenance contract.
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