SKU: 8005-0010-EOL

MPEG-2443 (End of Life)

Cost-effective solution for real-time MPEG TS, SDI, and HDMI monitoring to enable delivery of excellent Quality of Service (QoS)Cost-effective solution for real-time MPEG TS, SDI, and HDMI monitoring to enable delivery of excellent Quality of Service (QoS)
Data Sheet

Data Sheet



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$ 3148.00

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MPEG-2443 (End of Life)

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    Dolby D/DD+/EDolby ATMOSOutput Routing

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    Important Note: 

    From time to time Wohler offers units here that have been unboxed, demonstrated or that we quite simply just want to get off of our factory shelves – either way the result is an incredible deal for you. All units are in excellent condition, are fully factory tested and come covered by our one year full warranty for your complete peace of mind. 

    • Sales are on a CASH-IN-ADVANCE or CREDIT CARD basis. 
    • Each item carries a full one year manufacturer’s warranty. 
    • At these prices all sales are final, we can’t accept any returns. 
    • All quantities are while supplies last. 

    The MPEG series decodes and displays MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 signals via Ethernet IP or BNC ASI inputs while giving users the ability to browse PAT, PMT, EIT and NIT data tabels for each selected stream. In addition to MPEG IPTV and ASI inputs the MPEG series monitors also feature dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI inputs with loop-through output, HDMI input, and audio monitoring with on-screen level meters. 

    Only the MPEG series decodes and monitors MPEG transport streams carrying MPEG-2, MPEG-4/H.264 encoded video plus all associated data tables for complete confidence monitoring in places it was previously impractical or very costly to do so. The MPEG series brings confidence monitoring to a new level without codec limitations or the costly upgrades usually associated with MPEG monitoring equipment.